"She loves hard because she knows how it feels to be loved so little."

If there's one thing we all have in common its that we've all been let down before. Whether with romance, friendship, or other. We invest time and emotions into others. We give of ourselves things we can never get back. When the gesture is hardly returned, if at all, it eventually defeats you. A pail of water you try so hard to keep full, but can never accomplish. You give and you try, but in the end, you simply give up.

I have loved fiercely and I have lost hard in return. From both lovers and from "friends". It is not fun and your trust moving forward grows more and more guarded. The walls grow stronger. But once the trust is gained, its one hundred percent. No half assery. No one foot in the door, one foot out of the door. Which is how it should be, right? These are the loyal folks. These are the good ones. They know how it feels to be let down and strive never to do that to others.

My advice is if you aren't receiving back what you're investing in, do as the way of the casino: cut your losses and cash the f*ck out. Your worth is WAY more than what anyone could ever say. If they can't see that and value you for all you are, it's their loss.. not yours.

So many people love you. Stop focusing on the ones who don't.

Find the ones who love and adore you just as hard in return.




Is it tough traveling solo?