Is it tough traveling solo?
Honestly, I've been living the predominantly single life for the past several years, so at this point I am incredibly comfortable being alone. I am able to find company with myself - something most people have a very hard time doing.
I hear it ALL the time, "Oh, I could never (or would never) camp alone." That's too bad because being alone teaches you some serious things about yourself - both beautiful and ugly. It opens the door for personal growth, something you can't possibly tap into when you're around anyone else.
I consider myself a highly functioning introvert. I don't mind being around people whatsoever, but I thrive on the alone time. By nature I'm very reserved and keeping to myself is my default. I'm not after anyone's approval. I keep VERY select close friends and even they rarely know what's up in my world.
Hence why my answer is "No, traveling solo is not tough". Right now there's a healthy balance of alone and group (social) time going on, so I don't feel truly 'alone' for long. But I'm pretty selective on that company too. I go for humans that rejuvenate my spirits. Anything else.. I don't have space for that and have no problem distancing myself.
Once in a blue moon when I'm soloing it, I'll have moments of wishing I could share a spectacular view or campfire meal with a partner-in-crime someone. Maybe again one day, but for now that's not how the day exists so I don't dwell on it.
"Being alone has a power that very few people can handle." -Steven Aitchison